Changeling:The Dreaming Updates

Big news!

White Wolf Games is comming out with a collectable card game based off of Changeling: The Dreaming!! It will be called Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt, and it is rumored to be released in July.

Now I'm not the type that runs out and buys every single new collectable card game. In fact, the only card game I've ever invested in even minutely was Magic: The Gathering, and I had only a tiny stack of those. (Compared to all of my friends who have boxes and boxes and boxes . . .)

But now that I know Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt was on it's way, I can't wait until it hits the stores, so I can go make a fool of myself purchasing cards. So call me a Changeling junkie.

The best place to go to find out more on this game (mainly so I don't say the wrong thing and get sued by White Wolf or something :) ), you should go to White Wolf's web site and take a look. They have a ton of info on the game and its contents.

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bored souls have wandered in this realm.